After School
Serving the following schools for the 2024-2025
School Year
Montlieu Academy of Technology
Triangle Lake Elementary
Phoenix Academy (Primary and Elementary Locations)
Florence Elementary
Southwest Elementary
Kindernoggin NC PreK
The Point (Rides Bus)
Jamestown Elementary
If you don't see your school listed here, call and talk to our director.
As we plan van routes, other schools may be accessible.
Quality, Christian after school care at an affordable price!
$240 per MONTH. $40 registration fee per family.
The decision about who is going to take care of our children is one of the most important choices we make as parents. We want our children to be safe, to be loved, to have fun, and to grow. At KidZone After School Academy we understand what it is to be parents, and we strive to create a Christ-centered after school alternative that you can trust and believe in.
Why should you put your trust in us?
1) Because we put our trust in the Lord. He is the source of our strength, and model that we strive to emulate to our clients and the world. As a ministry of FCCHP, KidZone After School Academy seeks not only to teach children about the love of God, but to show it in all we do.
2) We will maintain a Student to Staff ratio that never exceeds 15:1. Some after school programs may have ratios as high as 25:1. We believe that to provide the best care possible, smaller ratios are crucial.
3) Each day we have a dynamic time of praise and worship. Our children's worship area is equipped with projection and lighting equipment that is sure to excite your child as we worship the Master of the Universe. Students also have a lesson each day as we go through devotions that apply to their daily lives.
4) We offer rotating enrichment classes in the areas of Science, and Arts & Crafts. There is something for everyone and everyday is different, so kids don't get bored.
5) We provide transportation from many High Point area schools. To see if we serve your school, contact our Director Alyssa O'Hara at (336) 454-5282.
You can enroll your child by clicking here.