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Carolyn Robinson - Facilities


I help to oversee the condition of the building and facilities. I have been a member of FCC since 2005. I am a retired and divorced mother of three daughters and two sons. I was born and raised in Bethania NC (NHL), and attended Bethania A.M.E. Zion Church (NHL) most of my life. I graduated from Carver High School, Class of 1958 (WS, NC). Being surrounded and influenced by a large family of Christians all my life, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.  To name a few affiliations, I enjoy mingling and associating with the seniors of the church, Single Sisters & Friends, Women's Ministry, and Carver Alumni Of Winston Salem.  I am outgoing, and open-minded to new ideas. I enjoy shopping, traveling (mountains, historical sites), and exploring new places and things. Over the years, I've taken pleasure in serving the ministry as a volunteer (Open Door Ministry, Blessings Express, Kitchen, and Nursery).

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