FCC KIDS Children's Ministry

Our Sanctuary is not the only place you’ll find action during Worship Service on Sundays- the whole building is alive! Our children’s programming is available during the 10:30 service.
Many special events for kids happen throughout the year. Our Children's director hosts activities that range from Lock-in's to Color Wars to Nerf Wars to Pizza and Paint events. There's something to keep every child interested and engaged!
Student Ministries
(Middle & High School)
Our Youth Group consists of students in Middle and High School. Our Student Minister, Auston O'Hara, holds Youth Group on Sunday evenings at 6 PM here at the church!
We are currently in the end stages of a construction project to give our youth a space of their own.
With frequent group hangouts, mission trips, fundraisers, and service projects you can see this is one active group of teens. If you are a middle or high school aged student, or you know one, this group is ready to welcome you in and grow alongside you!

Women's Ministry
The Women's Ministry of FCCHP participates in many different service, learning, and fellowship activities throughout the year.
Women of all ages are encouraged to get involved.
See Chera Coleman for more information about the Women's Ministry.

LIFE Groups
The name LIFE Groups really says it all. These are more than Sunday School Classes or even Bible Study Classes. The idea behind these groups is to develop deep, personal relationships that allow for accountability and support through our daily walk with Christ. It's about sitting down and breaking bread, going beyond the church jargon of a classroom and forming lasting, and life changing relationships. The Christian life was never meant to be tackled alone. We all need other Christians to come alongside us.

KidZONE After School & Summer
Born out of a desire to provide our community with an affordable, quality, Christian based After School and Summer Program, KidZONE has blossomed. Led by FCC's own Alyssa O'Hara, the program continues to teach children about the love of Christ while tending to their physical, mental, and emotional needs.
Men's Ministry
For generations the enemy has perpetuated the lie that as men we are supposed to be able to 'do it all on our own.' But that lie ends here! God did not intend for us to go it on our own. When soldiers go into battle they have each other's back. Why then do we think we can enter into a spiritual battle and not call for back-up?
It is time for us to take up the fight and to call in our back-up! Get plugged into the men's ministries offered here at FCCHP!

Worship Team
The Worship team consists of a talented group of musicians who give of their time and musical talents to lead our congregation in musical worship. Our Worship Team currently consists of musicians skilled with electric guitar, piano/keyboard, bass guitar, acoustic guitar, and drums. This group meets weekly to practice and prepare to lead our congregation on Sunday Morning.

Audio/Visual Ministry
The Audio/ Visual Ministry has more than one branch and is vital to our teaching and worship ministries. Audio/ Visual has the traditional job of running the sound booth, lighting, and other behind the scene electronics during a worship service.
In addition, this ministry also encompasses the live streaming of our services, the filming and editing of our weekly announcements and the production of other special videos used in service and elsewhere.
This ministry is mostly behind the scenes, but is vital to the way we do things.