For the last two weeks we have been talking about what it means to shake free of the chains that try to hold us back from being the kind of givers God wants us to be.
In week one of this series, Dean discussed how to be the kind of giver God wants us to be with Worship. (Worship Video) When we gather corporately to worship, we not only give to God (which is our primary goal), but because of how we have been designed we give to one another. Each of us is meant to bring something special to our time of worship and when we neglect meeting together there is a gap left.
Last week, I took us through a study of being an unchained giver in the area of service. We looked at four major chains that hold us back from serving (I can't, I don't know how, I don't have time & I'm not equipped). We looked at the power that we let these chains have and how God has set us up to break through their barrier. If you haven't had a chance to watch that study yet, I invite you check it out. (Worship Video)
At the end of last week's service we invited everyone to sign-up to find out more information about areas of ministry in the church where they could serve. We have tried to reach out to everyone who signed up through the ministry leaders. But as I said last week, maybe what is holding you back is the idea that there isn't something where you can be useful.
This week I brainstormed some different ideas about ways that people could serve both inside and outside some of our established ministries. Peruse the list and see if something catches your eye. But also remember, if there isn't something you see that catches your eye, perhaps God is calling you to put your talents, time and abilities to work starting something new. If you would like more information about how to get involved, sign-up sheets will be available again in the foyer this week or you can email me at copastor@firstchristianhp.org
Service Ideas:
Writing Get Well/ Thinking of You Cards to those sick/hurting/ or who have lost a loved one
Making a meal for someone in need - Galatians 6:2 Ministry
Yard Work and Maintenance- See Randy Piner or contact Danny
Visiting Shut-ins and Hospital Stays- Contact Dean
Pray for people who contact the church with needs - Prayer Ministry
Teach the Children during Sunday Morning Life Groups
Help Prepare Communion for Sundays
Help with Audio/Visual/ Broadcast (Last week we had 172 quality views of our broadcast, This week we had 186- most of these are not live but later in the week.)
Cooking For Open Door Ministry (Homeless Shelter)
Host or Lead a Life Group
Help with Traffic/ Set-up/ Tear-down of special events
Help with the Food Pantry(Time)- Opportunities all week long, not just Saturdays
Help with Upcoming Guest Ministries (Greeting/ Security/ Medical Response)
Invite other couples/families/individuals to join in informal activities/trips etc.
Collect Items for food pantry
Outreach to unchurched friends and family
Volunteer On Youth House & Church Work Days
Volunteer to help on Youth Trips & Children's Sleepovers/Activities
Encourage those who help you grow in your walk with Christ
Figure out what we need that we don't have and reach out to the ministry team!
This is a jumping off place, but it is by no means all encompassing. Pray, ask God where he wants you and be faithful to take the steps to get there!