Today we had our very first Pizza and Paint Day. I was blown away last week when registration quickly filled for this event, but as a teacher you always wonder about the squirm factor on an activity like this: when will the squirmies out last the interest.
But I have to say that I was very pleasantly surprised. The kids were attentive, worked to try and put detail in their work and were engaged for the entire time or nearly the entire time. Even my youngest kids were consumed in the process.
All of the kids started with a canvas that had an egg shape 'head' already drawn on the canvas in pencil. The kids added their own ears, eyes, nose, mouth, hair etc. in pencil before beginning to paint their self portraits. It was neat seeing them try to match hair & eye color, skin tone, add freckles, beauty marks, scars etc to their paintings.
We talked with the kids about how we get our creativity from God. How he is so creative that he formed the world and all the things in it without having anything to look. It all came out of his incredibly creative mind. I love when we get to talk about attributes of God that the kids ( and us adults) may not normally think about!

Because of the popularity and success of this event we will certainly be having some more events like this going forward. Our next painting event currently scheduled is for a Saturday where parents who enjoy painting can bring their materials and paint alongside their kids.
This event is scheduled for June 20th, but keep checking the calendar as I will likely add another kid's painting activity in prior to that date!