This past Sunday our church service was done virtually due to the Snow and Ice that tore through NC. I hope that you've taken time to sit down and watch the virtual worship service and digest what we talked about with different styles of evangelism. If you've not yet had an opportunity to do so, remember you can still watch the service on demand! (https://vimeo.com/666012967)
This short series has been all about finding out where you fit into God's plan of evangelism. And maybe if you take nothing else away, that is the very point that you need to focus on. God has a plan, a desire for you to be part of His evangelistic plan! He designed and created you with attributes, skills, abilities and talents that make you uniquely suited to bring His message to people in a way that only you can do it.
That is why there is no cookie cutter way of evangelism. I can give you some generalities, some tips to use in sharing the gospel, but you have to make them your own! I can teach you about invitational, testimonial, and confrontational styles of evangelism that can point you in the right direction, but it takes you getting involved, being vulnerable and putting thigs into practice to really find out your niche.
The conclusion of this sermon series really represents a crossroads for us as a local body of believers. Will we sit back, think that maybe there was some good teaching, perhaps there's some nice theology in what we just discussed, or do we take God's call to action seriously?
I ended this series with a challenge to us all. This coming week, you we receive an Impact Card in your seat at church. This card is all about putting what we've learned into action. Each of us is challenged to identify 3 people who we are going to commit to reaching for the LORD.

Who are you going to commit to reaching? How are you going to apply what you've learned these last three weeks to the world God has placed you in? This is step one, this is getting our feet wet and going beyond just the sanctuary. This is the start of us stepping into what God has called us to be where evangelism is concerned.
I had someone reach out about the ABC card I used as an example in the final sermon. I am including that below for those that would like to see it.
